Life Insurance

Protect your loved ones. Choose the amount of life insurance coverage that’s right for you and your family.

Life insurance protects your family financially in the event of a death. Your employer automatically provides basic life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) for you free of charge.* And, if you decide your family needs more life insurance protection, you can buy additional coverage for yourself and dependents.

Life insurance is administered by MetLife.

* Federal tax law requires you to pay taxes on the cost of basic life insurance coverage over $50,000. This is called “imputed income” and will be added to your gross taxable income. It will be included on your paychecks and on your Form W-2 each year. The amount of imputed income is based on your age and coverage amount.

Choose Your Beneficiaries

Your family depends on you for all kinds of things—including your pay. Make sure to choose the people and/or estate that should receive your life insurance benefit if you die. It is important that you make your beneficiary elections on the My Benefit Plans Website at

First, gather the Social Security numbers and birth dates for each beneficiary. Then, when you’re enrolling in life insurance, you’ll be prompted to designate your beneficiaries.

You can change beneficiaries at any time. If you die and have no beneficiaries on file, the benefit may—or may not—eventually reach the individual(s) you would prefer. The result could be a significant delay in payment during an already challenging time for your loved ones.

Things to Consider

When deciding whether to enroll in supplemental and dependent life insurance coverage, be sure to consider the following:

Cost per Paycheck
The cost of supplemental and dependent life insurance coverage could be based on age, level of coverage, and whether the covered person uses tobacco. You’ll be able to see the cost per paycheck for your options when you enroll through the My Benefit Plans Website at

Your Family’s Needs
Remember that life insurance is intended to help protect your family financially if a covered family member dies. Would you have enough money to pay funeral expenses? Would you need to replace an income?

Every situation is different, so consider your family situation carefully.

EOI Requirements
In order to buy certain levels of supplemental and spouse/domestic partner life insurance, you’ll need to prove that you and your spouse/domestic partner are in good physical health. This is called providing evidence of insurability (EOI).

If EOI is required, you will get instructions on how to access the form as you complete your enrollment online. Please fill out the form and submit it promptly. Full coverage won’t take effect until the carrier approves your coverage.

If you don’t submit the EOI form or it doesn’t get approved, your coverage (and paycheck contributions) will reflect the highest level of coverage that doesn’t require EOI.

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