
It’s up to you to understand who you can cover under your medical, dental, vision, and other benefits. Be sure to review the information carefully before you enroll in coverage. You are eligible for benefits if you are a full-time employee who works 30 or more hours a week.

Your eligible dependents include:

  • Your legally married spouse;
  • ​Your or your spouse’s child or children who are under age 26, including natural children, a child for whom legal guardianship has been awarded to the covered employee or the employee’s spouse, a stepchild, a newborn child of an enrolled dependent, a child of a domestic partner, or adopted child; keep in mind, dependent children can be covered up to the end of the month of their 26th birthday;
  • Unmarried children age 26 or over who are or become disabled and dependent on you; or
  • A domestic partner (same or opposite gender):
    • Must not be currently married to, or a domestic partner of, another person under either statutory or common law;
    • Must not be related by blood or a degree of closeness that would prohibit marriage in the law of the state in which they reside;
    • Must share joint responsibilities for common welfare and financial obligations;
    • Must be at least 18 years old;
    • Must share the same permanent residence for a 12-month period prior to enrolling in coverage;
    • Must be mentally competent to enter into a contract; or
    • Must be financially interdependent.

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